Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Error 1935 During NAV v5 Client Install

When installing NAV 5.1 on a workstation running Windows 7, I received the following error –

Error 1935.An error occurred during the installation of assembly component {98CB24AD-52FB-DB5F-A01F-C8B3B9A1E18E}.

HRESULT: 0x800736CC.


After some quick researching, this error relates to a missing assembly component.

To resolve the issue, install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1 Redistributable pack. If you’re running on a 64-bit system, you’ll need to install both the 32-bit and 64-bit versions.



Thanks to KB953610 for pointing me in the right direction.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Resolving Contract Line Errors

Steps to correct contract line allotments
Dynamics CRM 4 does not provide a way to revise case resolution allotments after the case has been resolved. Reactivating the case and reclosing it will double-dip allotments from the contract lines, leaving them incorrect.
This must be resolved behind the scenes, using SQL scripts.
NOTE: This is not a supported resolution as it directly modifies data rather than relying on the CRM interface. Always make sure and backup a SQL database before modifying data directly.
This article applies specifically to Dynamics CRM v4.0

Get the Case Resolution Activity ID

Use this procedure to get the activity id related to the closed case.
Open the case. Click the History menu item on the left. The top activity should be the case resolution activity. Open it, then click CTRL+N to open the activity in a new browser window.
The Activity ID is the long string between the {} characters



Get the Contract Line ID

Click through the case to the contract line and use the same procedure as above to get the contract line id.

Double-Check Your Work

Before you start updating all willy-nilly, make sure you have the correct records.
Using SQL Management Studio, connect to the CRM Company database. Use the following scripts to return the records you’re looking to update. Replace the <ID placeholders> tags in the script below with the correct ID’s you retrieved above.
FROM ContractDetailBase
WHERE ContractDetailId = '<CONTRACT LINE ID>'

FROM IncidentResolutionBase
Where ActivityId = '<RESOLUTION ID>'
FROM IncidentResolutionBase
Where ActivityId = '81A0A2C9-DE1F-DF11-9063-001A4B4D64BE'
Verify that you’re looking at the correct record and note the current values. In the ContractDetailBase table, we’re specifically looking at the AllotmentsUsed and AllotmentsRemaining fields. For the IncidentResolutionBase table, we’re changing the TimeSpent field.

Update Your Values

If everything matches up and we’re sure we have the right records, use the scripts below to update the correct fields. Replace the <NEW VALUE> tag with the number you wish to use. Replace the <ID placeholders> tags in the script below with the correct ID’s you retrieved above.
UPDATE IncidentResolutionBase
SET TimeSpent = '<NEW VALUE>'
Where ActivityId = '<CONTRACT LINE ID>’

UPDATE ContractDetailBase
SET AllotmentsUsed = '<NEW VALUE>', AllotmentsRemaining = '<NEW VALUE>'
WHERE ContractDetailId = '<RESOLUTION ID>'
You’ll first adjust the Resolution Activity to the correct value. Make a note of how much it as changed and then adjust the Allotments Used on the Contract Line accordingly. Then, use the same number and adjust the Allotments Remaining as well.
For example, we closed a case and resolved it for 30 minutes, when actually it should have been resolved for 45 minutes. The Contract Line is for a total of 600 minutes (10 hours) and after we closed this case, 4 hours (240) had already been used up.
Old Values
Case Resolution: TimeSpent = 30
Contract Line: Allotments Used = 240
Contract Line: AllotmentsRemaining = 360
Corrected Values
Case Resolution: TimeSpent = 45
Contract Line: Allotments Used = 255
Contract Line: AllotmentsRemaining = 345

Friday, December 3, 2010

CounterPoint SQL DTS Errors

One of the software packages our company sells / supports is a Point of Sale package called CounterPoint by Radiant Systems. For more information about CounterPoint, check out our website at www.accelerando.net

One of our project managers was migrating a customer from the older Pervasive based version to the new SQL based version. CounterPoint provides a utility to import historical data the uses the DTS engine to push the data into the new databases.

As you may know, DTS is a depreciated feature and can be difficult to get running if running on a new system as the SQL installs no longer include it.

There is a backwards compatibility toolkit available for SQL that provides DTS capabilities and this was installed. However, CounterPoint was still firing errors when the DTS package kicked off. The errors we were getting in the log file when running were

Step 'DTSStep_DTSDataPumpTask_1' failed

Step Error Source: Microsoft Data Transformation Services (DTS) Data Pump
Step Error Description:ActiveX Scripting Transform 'DTSTransformation__4' was not able to initialize the script execution engine.

Ultimately, this came down to missing DLL files in the DTS implementation. Following is a list of the steps I came up with to enable DTS functionality.


  • SQL 2005 Backward Compatibility Components (source below)
  • The redistributable DTS files (available on SQL 2000 Media)


  • Install the SQL 2005 Backward compatibility components
  • Open a command prompt and change directory to C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn
  • Register the following list of DLL’s using the syntax regsvr32 dllname.dll
    • dtsffile.dll
    • dtspkg.dll
    • dtspump.dll
    • axscphst.dll
    • custtask.dll

In our case, the axscphst.dll file was not registered because it had not installed with the Backward Compatibility Components. I was able to retrieve the file from the SQL 2000 media

Note that each of the above DLL files has an associated .RLL file that is located in Resources\1033 under the Binn folder listed above. The .RLL files are also available from the SQL 2000 Media.

NOTE: For my fellow co-workers, I have a zip file put together with all the files involved. It’s available on the ADrive FTP site. Contact me for connection information if needed. There’s a publically downloadable link here - http://tinyurl.com/sql2000dts

In coming up with this solution, I relied on the following sources: