There may be times when you don’t want to require one specific field to contain data, but at least one in a group. An example would be deciding that we can’t enter a lead if we don’t have a way to contact the lead – phone number, email, mobile, etc.
What we have to do is make sure that at least one of the contact fields for a lead contain data. There’s no way to make sure this happens. We could set them all Business Recommended, but that tells the user that they should all be filled in if possible and that’s not what we need.
Gather the actual names of the fields you want in the required group.
Use the following code to require at least one of the fields to contain data in order to save. Note that this example is based on the Lead form. Place the code in the OnSave event for the form.
The first portion is a concatenated If statement that checks each of the fields for data. If the entire statement evaluates as false, then the second portion of the code pops a prompt to the user letting them know why the save failed and then stops the save process.
Also, the if statement is all on one line, even though it wraps below and
//Contact Check
//Check for at least one contact method
if (crmForm.all.telephone1.DataValue==null && crmForm.all.emailaddress1.DataValue==null && crmForm.all.mobilephone.DataValue==null && crmForm.all.telephone3.DataValue==null && crmForm.all.telephone2.DataValue==null && crmForm.all.websiteurl.DataValue==null)
alert("Provide at least one phone number or an email address");
return false;
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